Q) How to select multiple values from Type-in prompt?
Example - I want to enter into type-in prompt in 'Product name--- Liza' display report data in 'product name is Leza' only OR I want to enter into type-in prompt in 'All', that time display report data in all are report data.
Q) How is possible this Scenario using in type-in prompt.?
Here we can enter one value, here it can't shows lovs. In catalog colomns we can select the value for which we can insert the pick list.
Can you be more specific abut this. What i understand from the question, you have a prompt page with a text box prompt and the user types the value. When the user types the product name '
Ex: laptop' and clicks 'finish' the report page has to display all the records relevent to laptop. When the user types 'All' in the text box prompt and clicks 'Finish' the report has to display all the products.
BY USING STRING VARIABLE WE CAN SELECT(OR)ENTER MULTIPLE VALUES By using the following condition as the filter for the textbox prompt we can get the data for the specified product as well as All products when we type ALL in textbox prompt
Product name = ?P_ProductName? or 'ALL' in (?P_ProductName?)
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